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Date Posted: 17:38:25 02/27/03 Thu
Author: DA
Author Host/IP: pcp562803pcs.rthfrd01.tn.comcast.net /
Subject: Re: Curious About Your Dreams?
In reply to: Miriam Cruz 's message, "Curious About Your Dreams?" on 16:03:18 01/28/02 Mon

Ok...I wasnīt going to do this but,

Last night I had a dream too, but I remembered this time ...sorta. I usually donīt.

I was at what I felt like was a large liquor store with I think my Dad or some other male figure. It was mid-day, I was shopping with a pushcart in a middle isle. (my Dad doesnīt drink and I havenīt had anything but a little wine in a couple of years now). There were about 15 people of different ages and races in the store including small children.

Suddenly I noticed that people in the store were rustling around the store toward the big front windows. Parents had there children by the hand and everyone was looking out the windows and pointing up. There was a sense of disbelief, dread and shock. A swelling of panic. I was in the middle of the store and couldnīt see what they saw. Suddenly it got really bright outside, growing in intensity until there was an explosion of light outside that was blinding. No sound, movement, vibration or anything...just light. This all to seem to happen in just a few seconds...maybe 5 or so.

As a reflex, I ducked and covered, cowering behind a short knee-wall in the middle of the room. I faintly remember reaching beside me for a child to grab their hand but could not reach anyone. Strangely, I had what seemed like a conscience thought. I remembered some reading that I had done about ascension, the internal preparations that I had made and being without fear...filled with acceptance. My fear went away and then suddenly nothing. This seem to last for a few minutes...just nothingness. I seemed to then think about how I wanted to know "whatīs next", I felt very frustrated.

Now I am standing in the kitchen of an old house. Its big, lots of wood, a yellow Formica topped table with chrome legs and chairs in the corner with placemats, plates, dinnerware and a small vase with a few flowers. The room was dimly lit but warm and comfortable...kinda friendly. Then two little girls appear. They are about eight and ten, blonde, cute, wearing little summer dresses holding hands. There seemed to be one or two other adults in the area but that is vague.

The two girls, maybe sisters, walked up to me and introduced themselves very politely holding out there hands to shake. I cant remember their names but they sounded lyrical. They were very warm in presence, I was happy to meet them and felt good that they were eager to greet me.

I intern introduced them to someone in the room that we walked over to, again, I think my Dad.

We all then went about our business..wandering around the kitchen, the little girls sorta standing in the middle of the room very quietly. They seemed very deliberate and observing with what I felt as a strong sense of self-identity and purpose.

It felt good that they were there but I have no idea what or why. They didnīt speak or smile, nor were they sullen. They just seemed content in their activity.

I remember wanting to interact more with them and then I began to wake up and lost it. Nice dream in a weird way.

Maybe Iīm just over stressed with an active imagination.

I would love to hear anyoneīs thoughts or interpretations...

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  • Re: Curious About Your Dreams? -- Fran, 08:22:33 03/12/03 Wed
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