Date Posted:21:19:54 08/07/03 Thu Author:Michelle Author Host/IP: / Subject: Re: Weird dream about weird stuff! help interprate please! In reply to:
's message, "Re: Curious About Your Dreams? I'll interprate them FREE" on 16:45:22 04/21/03 Mon
>I just write to say that I can interpret a lot of
>dreams FREE! write me to and
>I'll interprate your dream for free
Thanks a lot in advance for doing this.
Okay, here it goes.
First of all let me state that this was a very vivid dream.
I could taste things I ate, and feal things that I touched.
Okay, so my dream didn't really have a starting point, all of a sudden I was just at my lunch table at school, and I knew this not only by seeing it but I could feal the ridges on the table with my hands, (Weird!) Alright, so just for no apparent reason I whip out my digital camera to take a picture of me and Chris Cornell who just happens to be sitting next to me.(Before I go on I should tell you that I had just seen Chris Cornell with his band Audioslave(my fave band), at a concert a night or two before this dream.) Okay, anyway, so I'm asking one of my best friends, Jessika, to take a picture of me and Chris with my camera, but it's not working very well. (And it wasn't really a situation where I was taking a picture with a "celebrity", it was more like when you take pics at the end of a school year with your friends or something.And I remember our cheaks touching as we took the pictures, and I could REALLY feal this.) Okay, so my camera wasn't working, so I asked to use my friend Jennifer's (not really a close friend) camera instead. (I don't know if colors say anything about a dream, but Chris was wearing a grey tank, black pants, and black converses. Also, my camera was silver and Jenn's was black.) Anyway, she was hesitant to let me use her camera at first, but then she said okay. So after we take 1 or 2 picture, Chris gets up and walks away. I didn't really notice at first, but when I did I said "Where's Chris?" and I got up to look for him. And as soon as I turned around he was walking very slowly holding his stomache, as if he was fealing a little sick. So I walked over to him and told him it was okay, (this is kind of embarresing by the way, heh.)So, I told him it was okay and I distinctly remember rubbing his back and fealing the texture of his shirt and his spine. (Keep in mind this man is old enough to be my father, but I see him more as a teacher or mentor, because of my interest in music.) Next, I pointed out to him some water fountains and we walk over to them, he looks like he's going to be sick for a second, but then he takes a drink, and he's fine. We then went back to the lunch table and sat very closely to eachother, but not in a sexual way at all, just like you would sit with a good guy friend.
Okay, this is where it gets a little wierd; the scene totally changes to a hotel-like lobby that's very cathedral-like. There are two big grooves in the walls that look like sitting areas, but they have no chairs. In the right groove, are all of my 20 cousins, and some selected aunts and uncles, in the left groove is nothing. So me and Chris go and sit in this groove, on the floor.
Then slowly, one by one, my cousin come over to the other groove, but they each turn african-american as they come over and sit down. (I KNOW that's weird.) The scene changes right after that again back to me and Chris at the sight of the water fountains, except now the water fountains are pay-phones, and the end of my dream is Chris picking up a phone (that hasn't rung yet) and answering "Hello?"
Okay, there it is, my weird dream. I really hope you get back to me on this; I'm dying to know what this means!
Thanks again for interpreting my dream!:D