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Subject: Usher let's fan's title the Tour

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Date Posted: 16:12:01 10/12/01 Fri

Why wouldn't Usher believe in the power of the people? His fans have been feeling "U Got It Bad" so much that 8701, #23 on the Billboard 200 albums chart three weeks ago, has now risen to #8.

So Usher will let one of his fans title his tour, which, according to a spokesperson, kicks off November 29 in Baltimore and ends December 30 in Los Angeles. The singer will choose from a list of titles fans can leave on his Web site as part of a contest. The winner, to be chosen the first week in November, will receive tickets to one of his shows.

Usher's opening acts and venues will be announced within the next couple of weeks, according to the spokesperson. The singer will play venues that hold 5,000 to 12,000 seats. He also plans to relaunch the tour in the United States in March after an international series of outings in February. His rep said the second Stateside leg would take place in arenas.

Usher tour dates, according to his spokesperson:
11/29 - Baltimore, MD
11/30 - Philadelphia, PA
12/1 - Albany, NY
12/2 - Toronto, ON
12/6 - Minneapolis, MN
12/7 - Chicago, IL
12/8 - Detroit, MI
12/9 - St. Louis, MO
12/13 - Richmond, VA
12/14 - Washington, DC
12/15 - Cleveland, OH
12/16 - New York, NY
12/19 - Miami, FL
12/21 - Dallas, TX
12/22 - Houston, TX
12/23 - Kansas City, MO
12/26 - Seattle, WA
12/28 - Oakland, CA
12/29 - Las Vegas, NV
12/30 - Los Angeles, CA

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