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Subject: Another benifit concert for NSYNC

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Date Posted: 16:30:40 10/12/01 Fri

After participating in the United We Stand benefit later this month, 'NSYNC will stage a fund-raising concert on Miami's South Beach.

The show, scheduled for November 11, will raise money for the families of New York City police and firefighters killed as a result of the September 11 terrorist attacks, according to a spokesperson for event promoters Fantasma Productions. Other artists are expected to be announced shortly.

Fewer than 2,000 VIP tickets, ranging in price from $100 to $150, will go on sale Saturday (October 13) at 10 a.m. through Ticketmaster's phone service and Web site. There is a two-ticket limit.

VIP tickets will afford concertgoers a seat in front of the stage; other attendees will be admitted for free and must stake a claim on the beach. The promoter said it could turn out to be the biggest event ever held on South Beach, given that people can attend for free.

Corporate and local sponsors and the city of Miami Beach will cover most of the production costs, including the donation of security and medical services. All proceeds from VIP ticket sales, merchandise and concessions will go to the affected families.

Portions of the concert will be filmed for possible inclusion in an 'NSYNC television special to air on CBS around Thanksgiving, the promoter said.

Three weeks before the show, the group will participate in the United We Stand concert in Washington, D.C., along with Backstreet Boys, Michael Jackson, and Aerosmith, among others. That event is scheduled for October 21 (see " 'NSYNC, Backstreet Boys Unite For Benefit Concert").

For a feature interview with 'NSYNC, check out " 'NSYNC: Get Dirty."

For more information on and audience reaction to the attacks, including tips on how you can help, see "9.11.01: Moving Forward."

—Joe D'Angelo

Thanx to mtv.com

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