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God had exiled the snake and his kin... and so the genesis of the stigmatic purses on... crystalline glass carving the outer of internal optics... the forked muscle, a weaving armature in itself which can be named as a labyrinth of scale, metal, and umber.
Remember your rebel, my lord?
The traitor that shattered all expectations of resting at the heart of Eden...
That paradise hoarded by a sword wielding sentinel
Later on, the Satanic one would boil and writhe in the pit from where he was thrown down upon...That is the fate of any that classifies as 'snake'... treacherous, cruel, malicious... cunning is a trait hated by those that perch upon the new age Olympus. Flamed diablo hisses a 'decree', his first upon setting on this creed. The decree blossoms into a thrown streak of fire, gases rippling out of flared nostrils flushing pink with poisonous red dripping around the outers...
The dean of the 'Setlands' hath landed... dare ye disturb his slumber of reign... the act of condemning shall be delivered swiftly and with the devil's own hand at dice, will death come on wings for you..?
[ hehe, yuni.. can Redd be the Setlands patriarch? I know we went over this but I forgot what the result was -J ]