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Subject: Re: the warship had landed and i came ashore, the fighting was over for me ever more

Betty Courtney
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Date Posted: 16:30:19 06/19/08 Thu
In reply to: olcountrysinger 's message, "Re: the warship had landed and i came ashore, the fighting was over for me ever more" on 09:53:01 03/13/05 Sun

>>does anyone recall the old song I believe was "missing
>>in action"?
>i know some of that song and i am looking for it too

The war ship had landed and I come ashore, the fighting was over for me ever more, for I had been wounded, they left me for dead, a stone for my pillow and snow for my bed. The enemy found me and took me away, and made me a prisoner of war so they say, but God in his mersy was with me one day, the gates were left open and I ran away. I returned to the old home ,my sweet wife to see, the home I had build for my darling and me, the door I then open and there on the stand, I saw a picture of her and a man. The clothes she was wearing, told me the sad tell, my darling was wearing a new bridel veil, so I kissed here picture and wispered goodby, my poor heart was aching but my eyes were dry, I knew it was too late for her now to know, I knew she must never know I had returned. A Bagabun dreamer forever I will roam, because there was no one to welcome me home, the face of my darling no more I shall see, for missing in action forever i'll be.

I am 69 years old, and my kids make fun of me singing this song, I want a copy of it so bad, I don't know the true name of it or who it was by, if you find out, please e-mail me. I think "Missing in Action" is the title, but I'm not sure.

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