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Subject: how about a tune detective Podcast?

Bobby black
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Date Posted: 20:23:09 08/11/05 Thu

Here are 3 questions I hear almost every day about Podcasting:
What do I have to say that people want to hear?
EVERYTHING!!! It can be as simple as “a day in the life of …” some of these types podcasts on Purecast Media are getting 100’s of thousands of downloads a month! Remember the movie “Ed TV”?
Or your podcast can be in an area of your expertise or knowledge, where you can meet the consumers of your field or genre as an industry leader or expert. Purecast Media shows of this nature are receiving downloads in the 100’s of thousands as well.
What ever your idea or intrest it is an opportunity to create a show that will reach millions of potential listeners world wide.
Do I need to be an expert computer user to do this?
Absolutly not! All you need is a computer, a micraphone and easy to use software.
With Purecast Media’s easy cast technology it takes just 3 simple steps:
Step 1. You record a show on your personal computer, mp3 recorder, or in your studio.
Step 2. If your show wasn’t recorded in Mp3 format, convert it to mp3.
Step 3. Upload the file to your Purecast site, and you're done!
Our online technical advisors are available to walk you through any problems or questions you might have.
Why should I Podcast?
Podcasts are the next generation of radio-on-demand broadcasts. What makes Podcasting different from any other media is the "on demand" availability, offering your listeners something kind of like TiVo for audio!
Consider these facts:
1. 350 million people have iTunes (podcast listening and searching software) on their computers.
2. The newest version of Internet Explorer has a rss aggregator (podcast plug in) already built into it.
3. MSN and Real Player, two of computer audio’s industry leaders are offering podcast downloads.

All this means, right now, while you are reading this, millions of people are listening to other people’s podcasts! WHY NOT YOURS?


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