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Subject: Re: The Black Box (Boom Boom Boom)

Barry Tilles
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Date Posted: 23:06:08 11/05/03 Wed
In reply to: UofM Mom 's message, "The Black Box (Boom Boom Boom)" on 11:06:29 10/10/03 Fri

>I'm looking for the rest of the lyrics for an old song
>my folks used to have on a 78 record. It started out
>something like this:
>As I was walking down the street
>One bright and sunny day.
>I happened to spy a great big box
>Floating in the bay.
>I pulled it in and opened it up and much to my surprise
>I'd discovered a (boom boom boom) right before my
>The song went on to describe the way this guy took the
>box home and showed it to his wife, and she kicked him
>out. The last verse line goes something like "you'll
>never get rid of a (boom boom boom) no matter what you
>Anybody remember that one?

It's called "The Thing" and I have not yet been able to find the artist who wrote or recorded it (please let me know if you find out)but here are the lyrics:

The Thing

As I was walking down the beach one bright and sunny day
I saw a great big wooden box a-floatin' in the bay
I pulled it in and opened it up and much to my surprise
I discovered a -, -,-right before my eyes!
Oh, I discovered a -, -,-right before my eyes!

I picked it up and ran to town as happy as a king
I took it to a guy I know who'd buy most anything
But this is what he hollered at me as I walked in his shop
"Oh, get out of here with that -, -,-before I call a cop!"
"Oh, get out of here with that -, -,-before I call a cop!"

I turned around and got right out a-runnin' for my life
And then I took it home with me to give it to my wife
But this is what she hollered at me as I walked in the door
"Oh get out of here with that -, -, -, and don't come back no more"
"Oh get out of here with that -, -, -, and don't come back no more"

I wandered all around the town until I chanced to meet
A hobo who was looking for a handout on the street
He said he'd take most any old thing, he was a desperate man
But when I showed him the -, -, -, he turned a-round and ran
But when I showed him the -, -, -, he turned a-round and ran

I wandered on for many years, a victim of my fate
Un-til one day I came upon Saint Peter at the gate
And when I tried to take it inside he told me where to go
"Get out of here with that -, -, -, and take it down be-low!"
"Get out of here with that -, -, -, and take it down be-low!"

The moral of this story is; if you're out on the beach
And you should see a great big box, and it's within your reach
Don't ever stop and open it up, that's my advice to you
'Cause you'll never get rid of the -, -,-no matter what you do!
'Cause you'll never get rid of the -, -,-no matter what you do!

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Re: The Black Box (Boom Boom Boom)Allen16:33:12 12/27/03 Sat

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