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Subject: Re: I need a song title and artist

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Date Posted: 06:51:17 04/20/04 Tue
In reply to: Starr Snyder 's message, "I need a song title and artist" on 21:45:33 03/06/04 Sat


My mother used to sing me this song when I was young. I still remember it, but I never knew the artist, but I'll ask her if she remembers. Your rendition and mine are a little different~ which happens so frequently with things like this. I just read Dolly Parton's rendition of "Little Blossom" and I am unfamiliar with about half of it. It was another one of the songs my mother used to sing to my sister and I when we were young.

However, the song you are refering to, my mother always called, "On A Quiet Summer Day". That was the first line of the song, followed by "long ago and far away" and then came "a little girl was kneeling by a grave".

Contact me when you get this. I would be glad to call you long distance and sing my rendition to you, and/or email you the rest of the words as I have them.


>I need the title and artist of a very old song. the
>words I remember are:
>.....a little girl was kneeling by a grave, as I stood
>there by her side, she was gazing at the sky, these
>words I heard were to the lord she prayed, oh lord
>please tell me do, why you took my mom with you, why
>on earth am I left all alone, for I loved her don't
>you see, cause she was so good to me, ......she always
>taught me right from wrong, I remember her one day,
>she taught me how to pray and ask for favors from you
>when in need, that's why I kneeling here....

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