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The Bloodstained ~Ice Mist's tt~

You come apon a lonely desert and realize the desolate place contains merely miles of restless, bloodstained sands- or so it seems. As you contemplate this, a tranquil, but sly, voice breaks the uneasy, nerve-wrecking silence that had fallen over the burning sands. "Welcome. I am Ice Mist, the one in charge of everything and anything that goes on here." An sleek Arctic fox wings toward you and lands at your paws, folding her grey-tinted, snow owl's wings behind her. "We are a war territory." This one sentance seems to burn itself into your mind as she continues speaking, "We train constantly in the ways of war and certainly have a reputation for being nasty." She snickers darkly. "If you find yourself one of us of cruel intentions, enter and be tested of your worth." A smirk alights her face. "But be warned: We are not like the other territories. Everyone is not welcome here."

Lead Commander: Ice Mist

Chrestomanci (dark wraith)(m)
Jahanci (dark wraith)(f)
Windris (death angel)(f)


Asheron (black magi)(m)???

Arkados (Death Angel)(m)
Kala (shapeshifter)(f)


Seeking Acceptance:
Angua (werewolf)(f)??
Alzayah (hm...?)(f)??

News (1/28/03)

Acceptance Ceremony for Arkados and Kala! all yous get over to the Ritual wooo. If ya don't got the passy, email me.

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