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Date Posted: 23:43:30 08/14/03 Thu
Author: Spinner!
Subject: Re: Hi! I'm the fastest man in the world. I'll answer your questions about speed!
In reply to: jose mercado 's message, "Re: Hi! I'm the fastest man in the world. I'll answer your questions about speed!" on 23:52:53 08/13/03 Wed

>>Hi guys! I am the fastest person who has ever lived.
>>Do you guys have any questions about speed? I would
>>love to answer them!
>hey im still in junior and i was wondering how do you
>run 400m in under 54.7 seconds is the record for all
>the junior high schools in my district if could run
>400m in 1.00 flat. i got like 9 months to train cause
>tracks starts next year.and im training right now by
>running sprints. i was wondering how do you start at
>the begining of the race do you go half you speed or
>what cause my friend said he runs 75% for the first
>100m then he goes at 100% the rest and he 56.7 seconds
>but he is going to 9th grade and im going to 8th. so
>please send strageties to me sonat my email adress at
>Tomdelonge182freak@Yahoo.com. later man

Whoa! Just give me a moment to settle down! I just got back from running! Running quickly ha ha! I'll answer every question you have!

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