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Date Posted: 11:15:39 05/01/09 Fri
Author: Bunnyballs
Subject: Re: Clash Day??
In reply to: Tijuana Joe 's message, "Clash Day??" on 08:49:41 05/01/09 Fri

I was at the Lost Coast Cafe in Eureka this past Tuesday and who should sit next to me but the Man of the Hour himself, Clash! I couldn't believe this guy I'd listened to on the radio for years was sitting right beside me! He had obviously had a bit too much to drink, but seemed to be quite happy and we shared some good stories. Let me just say this, the guy is totally down to earth and very personable. It was cool.

At one point in the evening, he crossed one of his legs over mine. I was so shocked, and was like "what do I do now." I cast a glance at him, and he was being coy, not looking at me but just quietly sipping his Rumplemintz. "Ahem," I said, shaking my leg lightly. He said "oh, pardon me, was that your leg?" He chuckled and we just sat there smiling at each other for what seemed like several minutes.

Later, he got up to leave and asked for my number. I gave him my office number. Will Clash call?! It's really sort of thrilling. Happy Clash Day 2009!!!

-Jessica "Bunnyballs" Barber

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  • Re: Clash Day?? -- Ice Cream Jonsey (depressed beyond my ability to communicate), 11:28:03 05/01/09 Fri

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