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Date Posted: 10:38:12 01/15/03 Wed
Author: Robb
Subject: Whoo-hoo! HELLA TRIP, guys!

Here was the lineup:

Robb (that'd be me)
Angry Stewart Paine (totally different than what I thought he'd look like)
The Guy Who Posts Goatse 10% of the Time (really funny)
Gerrit (solid with the ladies)
Stewart's Cousin Paul (who got termed "Angry Stewart Paul," or "Angry Paul Paine," or "Angry," or "Grr" the further along in the trip)
Bruce (One of the Bruces, anyway)

... And we all got together in Vegas over the weekend! A really great time. Sorry if any of you guys didn't end up hearing about it, but it was sort of a last-minute thing that we were only planning for the last couple of weeks, and only asked those guys who we KNEW had the time to go to Vegas and who would definitely represent there.

Hahaha, I'm still laughing about all the great moments we had there! Bruce, Gerrit and I were all at a Blackjack table with, I swear to God, WILL RIKER HIMSELF, Jonathan Frakes! I told him that the impression he did of Picard in that one episode was really funny, and, I shit you negative, when the dealer asked him if he wanted another card the next hand he said "MAKE IT SO" just like Patrick Stewart! Ahahahah! We were DYING of laughter! He even laughed at Bruce's Deanna Troi joke (argh, what did you say, Bruce? Can't remember... but damn, was it funny)!

We were all set to go to one of those clubs inside the hotel later, but me and Stewart couldn't get in because we had sneakers and not shoes. I shoulda thought of that. Damn! We coulda got ourselves hooked up there.

Anyway, definitely a great time was had by all. We're definitely gonna have to get the gang together again for another Vegas$$$$$ trip! If any of you other guys have interest in going over there, let me know and we'll be sure to contact you when we get talking about another trip!


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