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Date Posted: 14:15:04 08/09/02 Fri
Author: Jap Hater
Subject: Re: Don't kill the site!!!!
In reply to: Guyboy Battlestein 's message, "Don't kill the site!!!!" on 14:07:05 08/09/02 Fri

>No!! I just found it today!
>Don't kill the site, Ben! I just found it today!
>Please don't! I don't want the sun to come up and for
>it to equal oblivion!!! Please!!! I only just started
>to live!!

Welp, if this is it... I'd like to say that I hated the japs until the bitter end, but truth to tell, well, I have a story for you all.

It'd been several years since I have last had a girlfriend. Her name was Keiko and she was (watch for it), Japanese. I grew to love her for many reasons. She gave her virginity to me, I took her to her junior prom, she used to come visit me at the record store at random times and brighten my day... she was lovely.

But we grew apart. I can see now that it was nothing more than that. We dated, hell, for three years afterall. She left for another and I swore off my former name and former life. I just became known as the "Jap Hater," and went from forum to forum stating how much I hated those goddamn Nipps.

Last week I was some gun metal and talc powder when I happened to notice that the girl in front of me was having a bit of trouble finding all the cash she needed for her purchased. I just wanted to get the hell out of there so I said to the cashier, "put her stuff on my bill." The girl turned and instantly kissed me on the cheek for that.

She was Japanese.

We've gone on two dates since then. She's really, really cute, energetic, fun and funny. I really like this girl.

So you can see where I need to come correct on here, then.

By morning we will all be gone, and be wondering which of us were real and which of us were fake and which of us were really, truly, here. I can't answer any of those questions, but I would like to say that this is unquestionably the finest group of people I have ever known and I can think of no better group with which to spend my last day on earth.

God Bless every last one of you.

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