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Date Posted: 16:03:48 09/05/02 Thu
Author: Angrey Stewart Paine
Subject: Re: Can I get an update on that Vegas trip?
In reply to: Ben 's message, "Re: Can I get an update on that Vegas trip?" on 15:08:06 09/05/02 Thu

>>Who's in line for it again?

I'd like to apply, then.

>>Hey, one other thing, how come you've never really
>>truly "bonded" with the members of this place? You
>>sort of keep yourself distant, Ben. Is it because you
>>don't like us?
>I'm here, I'm here every night, I come up here every
>night. This is my job, this is what I do for a living.
>I come up here and I do the best I can. I give you the
>best I can. I can't do better than this. I can't. I'm
>only a human being up here. I'm not God, ...uh, ...a
>lot of you out there are not...I may not be the most
>popular guy in the world. That's not the point. I
>really don't care what you think of me. I mean, Who
>the hell are you anyways? You... "audience"... You
>call me up and you try to tell me things about
>myself... You don't know me. You don't know anything
>about me. You've never seen me. ...You don't know who
>I am, what I want, what I like, what I don't like in
>this world. I'm just a voice. A voice in the
>wilderness... And you... like a pack of baying wolves
>descend on me, 'cause you can't stand facing what it
>is you are and what you've made. Can't stand facing
>what it is you are and what you've made... Yes, the
>world is a terrible place! Yes, cancer and garbage
>disposals will get you! Yes, a war is coming. Yes,
>the world is shot to hell and you're all goners...
>Everything's screwed up and you like it that way,
>don't you? You're fascinated by the gory details...
>You're mesmerized by your own fear! You revel in
>floods and car accidents and unstoppable diseases...
>You're happiest when others are in pain! And that's
>where I come in, isn't it? I'm here to lead you by
>the hand through the dark forest of your own hatred
>and anger and humiliation... I'm providing a public
>service! You're so scared! You're like the little
>child under the covers. You're afraid of the
>boogeyman, but you can't live without him. Your fear,
>your own lives have become your entertainment!
>Tomorrow night, millions of people are going to be
>reading this website, and you have nothing to talk
>about! Marvelous technology is at our disposal and
>instead of reaching up for new heights, we try to see
>how far down we can go... how deep into the muck we
>can immerse ourselves! What do you wanna talk about?
>Baseball scores? Your pet? Orgasms? You're
>pathetic. I despise each and every one of you...
>You've got nothing. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. No
>brains. No power. No future. No hope. No God. The
>only thing you believe in is me. What are you if you
>don't have me? I'm not afraid, see. I come up here
>every night and make my case, I make my point... I say
>what I believe in. I have to, I have no choice, you
>frighten me! I come up here every night and I tear
>into you, I abuse you, I insult you...and you just
>keep posting. Why do you keep coming back, what's
>wrong with you? I don't want to hear any more, I've
>had enough. Stop talking. Don't post anymore! Go
>away! Bunch of yellow-bellied, spineless, bigoted,
>quivering, drunken, insomnatic, paranoid, disgusting,
>perverted, voyeuristic little obscene phone callers.
>That's what you are. Well, to hell with ya... I don't
>need your fear and your stupidity. You don't get it.
>..It's wasted on you.
>Pearls before swine...

Oh. When you put it that way, righty-ho, then. Gotcha.

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