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Date Posted: 17:09:35 10/03/02 Thu
Author: Ben
Subject: Replies to bofe of you.
In reply to: Footloose and Fancy Free 's message, "on the subject of coasters" on 15:23:56 10/03/02 Thu

Regarding George: HEEEEYYY! WASSUP GEORGE! This is George, everyone. George was a coworker back in the day, but is most well known for once getting beaten by me at racquetball.

Regarding Photos: Ah, I see you're right. The photos should now be back and in their original, shrinkwrapped condition.

Regarding Coaster Reports: I keep having thoughts about finally writing the coaster report I wanted to write from when I drove across the country to California over two years ago. So I might write that at some point.

Other than that, I haven't ridden too much lately (haven't ridden ANYTHING in the last several months), and there's just so little going on, coaster-wise, in southern California that there's just not that much to report on anyway. I already wrote a pretty thorough review of Magic Mountain ("It sucks"), so I don't know where else to go from there.

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