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Date Posted: 00:32:15 02/18/02 Mon
Author: Bad Emo Fan
Subject: Re: Valentine's Day
In reply to: Gerrit Hamilton 's message, "Valentine's Day" on 17:08:47 02/16/02 Sat

Whew... what a day. I'm still not quite over it.

The day certainly started off poorly. Apparently my glasses fell off my nightstand during the few hours I was asleep. I woke up and stepped on them, breaking the frame into little pieces before I was even fully awake. I cried for 15 minutes.

After a first-thing cry, I got up to quickly break fast. I was out of Rice Chex! For this I cried for only four minutes, before I opened my other cupboard: I in fact had about half a box of Cocoa Pebbles Left. Schweet! I didn't even cry when I found that out, I think I just sneezed or something.

I groked some tape from the garage and put my glasses together as best I could, Warily, I made it to work. I had made a mix CD the night before, and got to bob my head back and forth to some new Saves the Day stuff I hadn't had a chance to enjoy yet. Good stuff!

Well, I got to work and someone had gone forth with the install on our new servers. We got a set of them in from IBM and I was really looking forward to putting FreeBSD on all of them. There's, well, to be hones there's a little open source MP3 player that I really like that is native to FreeBSD and so far has yet to be ported. Heh. I had a CD of MP3s that my buddy made for me, some Friends of P stuff and a native 192kbps copy of the New Found Glory (NFG! Schwing!) cover of 'Heaven.' But one of those assholes in relational services apparently came in over the weekend and installed Mandrake on all of them! Mandrake! Can you believe it? I cried for 45 minutes this time, and really made a mess out of myself. I had to use a lot of kleenex to get back together, luckily I had plenty in my knappsack.

Anyway, angry, I thought about confronting the guys at the other department, but just the thought almost induced another good cry. I called up Veronica, my girlfriend, and we went to an early lunch together.

Things got weird there when she announced to me that she decided she was bisexual. Oh mah god, right? I thought I'd get some sympathy on a day I broke my glasses, right!!? I broke down and fell out of my seat, thus skinning my knees up quite badly. Do you know that song, "Eyesore"? Well, I sure would have liked some support from my boys right there! But of course that couldn't happen. The boys will stay even when the girls are gone, but Veronica hadn't even left yet.

She took me out to the parking lot and started hitting me. She told me that as a Valentine's Day present she was going to bring her friend Becky over tonight. For, well, you know!! I always thought Becky was cute... but unattainable! I started to sniffle again, but Veronica hit me upside the head and ended that. She said she was upset because I made a scene in the restaurant for no good reason. I apologized and agreed to pick her up at Becky's house after work.

Unfortunately, I found a block of Jimmy Eat World videos on Morpheus, and spent the rest of the night downloading them off my dial-up modem, so I forgot to go over. Whoops! They had a good time, though. Well, I'm guessing so... 'Nica hasn't called yet... ouch... I think, yea... I think I'm gunna break down again and... oh, shit... OH NOS!!!!!!!

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  • Re: Valentine's Day -- Jap Hater, 00:35:53 02/18/02 Mon

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