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Date Posted: 21:06:35 02/18/02 Mon
Author: Renee Smith
Subject: Re: Valentine's Day
In reply to: Gerrit Hamilton 's message, "Valentine's Day" on 17:08:47 02/16/02 Sat

>Me, I spent most of the early afternoon and evening
>shopping for books and DVDs. I ran into an old high
>school friend, Renee Smith, at Barnes and

HA! You spoke to me FIRST. You weren't in the fiction section, you were grabbin' at some titty-mags in the magazine section. Only you were to fuckin' short to reach them. ROFLMTO!

>After five minutes of pleasantries, she
>blurts out, "Hey Gerrit, wanna go have sex in your
>mini-van?" All this while I'm looking for a paperback
>version of Chuck Palahniuk's, "Choke."

Pleasantries!? You were just tagging along behind me for five minutes at least. Hello? Stalker! Geez.

>Now I don't wish to rudely dismiss the young lass'

HAHAhAh!!! Look in the mirror, you mutant!

>proposition, but really-- I haven't seen this person
>(except for an occasional conversation via instant
>messaging) in nearly two years!!

"Wanna cyber?" I told you to stop IMing me! Everyone IM him at 'CptTarpals.' Let this creep know he's not welcome in this classy BBS. HA!

>I flash her my trademark aloof smile

Crooked as something that's awfully crooked!

>and continue looking for the book. While scanning the 'P' >authors in the fiction section, she starts listing all >these sexual terms which I have to agree on before any >lusty activites can take place. Rules indeed!! >Here's a small sampling of said rules:

You bliterthing idiot! I was JOKING. Can't you detect sarcasm when you hear it? GOD!! What a dweeb. What you may not have noticed was that I "ran for the hills" when you went to the washroom. LAYOOZER!!

-Renee Smith

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