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Date Posted: 22:50:02 04/26/02 Fri
Author: No Longer Suspicious and Now Completely Content Non-Heretic
Subject: Re: Clash's 4/20 column.
In reply to: Suspicious Heretic 's message, "Re: Clash's 4/20 column." on 10:17:43 04/25/02 Thu

>>>>Well, it looks like we're gonna have to wait quite a
>>>>while for him to kill himself now.
>>>It all sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me. Like
>>>that guy could get laid.
>>Hmm... so is Clash trying to get another job at his
>>university?? They are going to move him, not can him
>>outright? I am having trouble following the narrative!
>Hmm... so apparently Clash read this and responded to
>it. CLASH! I HAVE A MESSAGE FOR YOU! Please use the
>code-phrase, "Beware, cowards!" in your next update!!
>Please, please, please, please!! Then I will know that
>we have truly bonded and that you are OUT THERE for
>me!! I will no longer be suspicious! I will no longer
>be a heretic! I will finally... BE CONTENT!

Holy Christ, this is the closest I have ever come to speaking with a celebrity!! I state from this day forward that any of those other little bitches who call for you to kill yourself will FEEL MY WRATH!! My wrath is painful, like a punch in the septum, an attempt to eat week-old kidney pie, or inflamed butt shingles!!

I will also now drink more delicious Californian wine, but not otherwise stalk or emulate my new HERO. Because that would be creepy.

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