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Date Posted: 00:50:27 05/01/02 Wed
Author: Star Wars Action Figure Collector *SPOILER WARNING*,
In reply to: pinback 's message, "HAPPY CLASH DAY!" on 23:10:01 04/30/02 Tue

Hey, thanks man, for providing some *free* entertainment to the masses. I know I've enjoyed it very much during its time here at the PWC2.

Shitdogs, I even enjoyed it more than the Midnight Madness sale last Tuesday at TRU (Toys R' Us to all you non-collectors out in cyberspace!) I even spent less than way back in 1999 for The Phantom Menace. Lemme copy/paste an easy-to-read chart for you:


1999 "Episode I: The Phantom Menace" - $364.04

2002 "Episode II: Attack of the Clones" - $286.73


Not fuckin' bad, huh? Although, I did skip out on the Slave I (its simply a re-paint of the ESB model) and the deluxe figures (they're always hit clearance eventually anyways).

Sometime this week though I need to pick a Count Dooku's (Darth Tyranus) lightsaber. $18.99 at Wal-Mart is, by far, the cheapest I've seen it around here. Especially when compared to Kay-Bee (ha! Kay-BAD) at $24.99!! The handle of the lightsaber is slightly curved, it seems awkward to use, but if a sith can delfty wield it-- then so can I, the Star Wars Action Figure Collector.

Besides, I need it to go with the Jedi robes I purchased off of eBay awhile back.


No, really!

Aw, screw it.

But with Hasbro still pinching nearly every last penny from my ever-loving pockets, I'll have plenty of extra time to check out the latest Clash files, which I treasure so dearly. So thanks man.

But really, Hasbro, you're killing me...Absolutely killing me...

-Star Wars Action Figure Collector

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  • Re: HAPPY CLASH DAY! -- TMJ Man, 00:50:29 05/01/02 Wed

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