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Date Posted: 15:02:01 05/21/02 Tue
Author: Overly Enthusiastic Verse Project Fan
Subject: Re: question for Ben, the site admin
In reply to: Ben 's message, "Re: question for Ben, the site admin" on 14:28:15 05/21/02 Tue

>>I mean, after all these years, can't you at least let
>>me know what the fuck I was supposed to be all
>>overly-enthusiastic about? I mean, please?
>It's a 2D MMORPG set in space with a focus on trading
>and economics. It's really quite a spectacular
>design, and although there are no plans for any fancy
>3D graphics, it will be nearly irresistable to those
>who love spending time in a fully realized futuristic
>universe where the only limit to your wealth and
>...is you.
>I will now make a startling announcement: Verse is
>now an open-source project. Hopefully this will make
>development speed right along and go in ways which I
>could never have imagined.
>Here, now, is the source code:
>import java.io.*;
>import verse.utils.VerseLogger;
>class Verse {
> public static void main(String args[]) {
> VerseLogger vl = new VerseLogger("main");
> vl.log("starting program");
> // tbd
> vl.log("ending program - Have a nice day!");
> vl.close();
> }

Ah. Oh.

Well, I now know what it is and what it was to be.

This is strangely unfulfilling. I mean, I will probably cease to exist now. My life as a member of the BBS with something to contribute has pretty much ended. I could post in some thread saying something like, "Um, I just got his with amnesia... I can't remember what the Verse Project was supposed to be but it excites me very much!" But someone would just point me to a link that contained the above and that would be it.

I would though like to wish everyone else well. I, well, I may not be here very much in the future, because I have finally realized my destiny, but... I promised myself I wouldn't cry... sorry... anyway, to everyone else, to all the other posters out there who so desperately want or need something, I say to you all: be careful, my friends. For your wishes may actually one day come true.

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