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Date Posted: 12:20:42 05/28/02 Tue
Author: Pinblack
Subject: Re: Needs More Content
In reply to: ASCII and ye shall RECEIVE-Y 's message, "Re: Needs More Content" on 12:13:25 05/28/02 Tue

>Is the b&w shot of Pinback supposed to be one where,
>after he commits suicide, we say, "ah, you could see
>the distress and depression in his self-portrait, a
>week before"? Please do not kill yourself, Pinback.

Hi. I'm Pinblack, the arch-nemesis of Pinback. Where Pinback is a well-to-do young data specialist in Southern California, I am a bitter-as-fuck angry young black man living in South Central L.A. Where Pinback gets to surf the internet all day and then consume vodka, I dodge bullets and gunfire and get to consume whatever's on sale at the local Safeway. He's affluent. I am poor. Hell, I'm only accessing the web because I had to hide out in the library for a little bit due to the oppressive presence of the man.

Things are not going to end well for Mr. Pinback, especially with me now making my intentions clear. I want what he has. Well, I want what I have as well, which is a little black book full of girls who just love to get their freak on. But the way this is going to work is not that he then gets what I have. I get to keep that, too. You motherfucks were probably thinking this was a "Trading Places" thing or something. Well, no.

Anyway, it's good to be here! Let's get on with the dealing of death!!

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