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Date Posted: 11:02:39 06/11/02 Tue
Author: Robb
Subject: Hey, happy fuckin' birthday, man
In reply to: Ben 's message, "Today is my birthday. I am now 31." on 21:03:09 06/10/02 Mon

>Let's give it up.

31? Goddamn that's old. That rips apart whatever angst I had in turning 28 two months ago. 31? I guess when you get over 30 you are hard-wired to accept aging more gracefully because otherwise everyone would just kill themselves.

Oh, and I am starting to go gray already. When I stopped coloring my hair, after four years (which is a longer commitment than I have made to any job, girl, apartment or college) I figured that was the end of it. Now... well, shit, I'm pulling a Steve Martin here.

Anyway, man, promise me you'll have yourself a blast and not spend the evening with Safeway Brand "Safeway" Safeway Vodka and rousing bouts of GTA3. Because, shit, that's what I'll end up doing and it is not my birthday.

We need to have a PWC2 International Get-Together one of these years.


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