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Date Posted: 13:06:09 07/08/02 Mon
Author: Ben
Subject: Clash: Dead?

Dude leaves on a camping trip on, what was it, Wednesday? for what I think was just supposed to be a one or two day camping trip.

Here we are the following Monday, and still no word from the man. So I have to pose the following question:

Clash: Dead?

Here are some possibilities:

1. Eaten by large bears.
2. Flesh-eating virus.
3. Drug overdose (you know how he likes those drugs!)
4. Car accident getting to the campsite.
5. Burned by campfire.
6. Campsite suicide (which would really piss me off, because I don't think he took any video recording equipment with him.
7. Car accident on the way back from the campsite.
8. Eaten by medium-sized bears.
9. Eaten by medium-large bears.

I'm really starting to worry here!!! (*)

(*) Not really. I can always get new friends.

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