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Date Posted: 23:06:40 02/11/02 Mon
Author: Ben
Subject: Elisa Bridges

Well now, this is interesting.

After several "confirmed" reports spread wildly through the internet deviant community stating unequivocally (and "confirmed by Playboy") that Elisa Bridges dies, a groundswell of suspicion and cynicism grew throughout the community.

Several sources ("Mystique Magazine", "Mac and Bumble", and a supposedly "top source" at Playboy magazine) have "confirmed" Elisa's death by way of sorrowful (and sad) emails, quoted by USENET posters.

However, no reputable news source has yet to mention it. Nor has playboy.com itself, nor the Miami Herald or Sun Times (her hometown newspapers).

The question then comes: Is this a hoax? A grand scheme to wreak emotional terrorism on lonely, quivering piles of man-meat sitting in their dark bedrooms late at night (or, let's say, around 9:24 this morning)?

IS ELISA BRIDGES ALIVE?!??!?!???!??!???!!!!?!??!

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