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Subject: Re: Wild Duck Inn

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Date Posted: 21:52:24 07/03/03 Thu
In reply to: Duck Customer 's message, "Wild Duck Inn" on 09:33:03 07/03/03 Thu

The closing is on the 15th.

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[> Subject: Re: BTW

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Date Posted: 23:24:19 07/03/03 Thu

If you are a true Ducker why have you not gone to the VTE on Main St with the rest of you?
Yes it is still open at times for now. The new owner may like it the way it is however he did say he was going to renovate, it will take time to get that paper work. He did say he was going to sell hamburgers.
The people who drink there may stay. The have killed every person's dream who has ever come there. This last person was going to make a sports bar and started however the people here killed it all.
I hope this person is smart enough to keep them out.
The bikers were there 20 years ago, a few now and than,they are all still around here but not on bikes. They have aged 20 years which puts them in the 50-70 years of age group.

They are the trouble. They think the dock and duck is all for them and no one else. They hang on to who ever comes here to start something good.They do "favors" and act like a friend however they are not friends they are only interested in taking over. They hate me because I know who they are and they can not come here.
See the chain link fence I had put up in the 70's.
Until these people leave this area will always be full of red necks who are too old to be bikers anymore.Who creep around and start lies and hang out in what ever good is started.They smile and do favors. They are not honest or good. They hold the good and new people back from putting the goodness back into the area.
I thank God I know who and what they are and I know to keep them out.I thank God they don't like me because they will stay away and I can do something good because there are no red necks here to scare away people who want to spend money and come down here and enjoy it and give East Rockaway a good name instead of the bad name it now has. It is time for East Rockaway to get a good name.


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