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Subject: Re: EPI GOOD COLWELLS!!!!!!!!!!

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Date Posted: 05:42:37 04/11/04 Sun
In reply to: 's message, "East Point Inn" on 08:52:19 04/09/04 Fri

Good for the Colwells!!!!!! I say GOOD for them too.
They are good brave people who came here and made good taste where there was none. I believe they will do it all over.
The Village Idiots don't own this place.The people own it. It is about time people took the control out of the hands of the idiots who are tasteless and lack a sense of creativity.
The Village Idiots are ruining this village.
My God they can't even clean up the litter and place the blame people who live and work here.
And that tasteless letter from the mayor just proves what a jerk he is. Does he think he owns the Colwells' land?
Does he think he can bully people into doing his will? The man is evil. He is a killer of life.

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[> [> Subject: Re: EPI GOOD COLWELLS!!!!!!!!!!

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Date Posted: 01:08:46 04/12/04 Mon

"The Village Idiots don't own this place.The people own it."

If you were to poll the people of East Rockaway, they would overwhelmingly express their dismay at the Colwells and their illegal destruction of our history.

"My God they can't even clean up the litter and place the blame people who live and work here."

This I don't understand. Do you know how much it would cost for the village to hire to pick up every speck of litter?

"Does he think he can bully people into doing his will? The man is evil. He is a killer of life."

It's so relieving to know that your views represent almost none of the Village, because you are really embarassing yourself with statements like this.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: EPI GOOD COLWELLS!!!!!!!!!!

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Date Posted: 03:43:37 04/13/04 Tue

where did U take the poll in the bar or at the KKK meeting or at the village idiots'lunch hour? More people are upset that the mayor wrote that tacky letter.

The East Point Inn was not a landmark.

What is with this "punishment"? Do U know how sick that sounds?

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: EPI GOOD COLWELLS!!!!!!!!!!

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Date Posted: 08:03:33 04/13/04 Tue

"where did U take the poll in the bar or at the KKK meeting or at the village idiots'lunch hour?"

Dismal grammar aside, you obviously did not pay close enough scrutiny to what I wrote. Out of courtesy, I will present it to you again:

"If you were to poll the people of East Rockaway, they would overwhelmingly express their dismay at the Colwells and their illegal destruction of our history."

Emphasis on the "IF".

"What is with this 'punishment'?"

A fine proportional to the Colwells' sinister vandalism.

"More people are upset that the mayor wrote that tacky letter."

Not likely. Even if they were overly supportive of the Colwells in this matter, which they are not, they would not be especially upset that the executive of the village has offered his version of the events leading up to demolition. Not surprisingly, residents were curious as to what happened and the mayor promptly gave his side of the story. Nothing deplorable or even unusual about it.

I am curious as to who you have been asking about the EPI. Everyone I have spoken to thinks the action was totally out of line. I think you have a personal vendetta against the village and use that position to attack them on any action they take, regardless of whether or not you would agree with them under normal circumstances.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Stand up and be a Man or Woman...

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Date Posted: 19:58:26 02/19/05 Sat

This age of web chat is quite amusing. People will say the most absurd things about others and their private business without giving any regard to facts. They have email "muscles" to not have to attach their name to anything. I do not know about you, but I was raised to stand up for what is right and to be pround of who I am I. Therefore, I will always attach my name to anything that I write. I am not afraid of this town, and have nothing to hide. How about you? Too scared to let people know your name? Not man or woman enough to stand on your own? What a shame to have such lack of self worth. I truly feel bad for those who hide on this web site after saying nasty things about others. Surely you could put all those creative efforts to use in a more constructive and postive manner. **Thank you again for those who support my family, Jacquelyn Colwell.**

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