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Date Posted: 21:31:42 02/16/03 Sun
Author: ithinklikezippy
Subject: To Arthur - Hey I`ve no grudge Mr Rudge
Dear Arthur
I can understand your woes but attacking Dr Fun is no way to spend your time. Remember, we do not worship the Jesus - so we don`t turn the other cheek.
I had about accepted your apology until I read that you plan to blaspheme by naming a third rate animal in our Lords name. Would you name a cat Allah, or a fish Old Nicky?
I challenge you sir, to collect or name, three items blessed by Fun. If you should fail, then by Fun we shall wash you down!
Also, would anyone else be interested in this: man animal, 42, GSOH, n/s, likes walks, roll my thunder but hide my tounge.
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Re: To Arthur - Hey I`ve no grudge Mr Rudge -- Arthurrudge, 18:59:08 02/25/03 Tue
Fun Worshipper,
You are really scaring me,i think you started of as a n innocent worshipper of men with their jumpers tucked into their jeans but now you are a full blown cult ,if you are not careful you are heading for a WACO style disaster when you eventually take over The Bent Coppers Arms in Old Goole and make everybody where belts with the classic funstyle SKULL/CROSSBONES motif...
Dont worry the gerbal has been put to sleep but i implore you no WACO,s please please after all there is a war on soon you know !!!
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Fun-der -- The Brethrin, 15:41:27 02/26/03 Wed
Hey calm down,
Dr Fun would have to authorise a mass suicide pact, I couldn`t just initiate such a thing.
Who do you think I am? Omar blessing Sherrif or summat?
glad to hear about the gerbil
Keep the skull and crossbones flying high
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Re: Fun-der -- ohthefoodssogreasyisntit, 21:13:19 02/26/03 Wed
Dr Fun is happy and gay,
His hair is combed in a real cool way,
Hey Dr Fun what would you say,
If i came to Goole to see you one day....
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Who should make the 50ft x 50ft Fun Flag? -- Barne, 17:07:44 03/06/03 Thu
I love a good knee up - and so dus fun, ere go:
taken from funs palm 0898 444 444 444 (many sages have interpreted these as signifying change, but who knows, who can master 5,000 years of Funcianist wisdom?)
Fun! Fun! Where ever art thou might be?
City no longer play at the Boothferry! But....
at the Circle KC
'cos......City no longer play at the Boothferry
From Goole Town Station to Boothferry
Fun makes a 30 mile approximate journey
From Goole Town Station to Boothferry
Fun makes a 30 mile approximate journey
Driven by
a man who cries
City have not vaporised
they now play at home under Circle skies
They no longer play at the boothferry
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