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Date Posted: 10:53:52 04/23/03 Wed
Author: The man with the oval balls
Subject: Hull FC
In reply to: Eddie Waring 's message, "Re: Rugby League kicks off." on 22:52:03 03/19/03 Wed

Look you have to feel sorry for them Rugby lads at Hull Fc you see they havent any Promotion seasons to look forward too. They are already at the peak of their game, in their "premiership" league. So the fantastic crowds they attract reflect this. Oh no hang on, just over 9,000 for the last home game, a local derby on a Bank holiday. Oh dear.
This is why they are so upset about Hull City AFC. The fact that we are in the lowest Div. of our league system and average twice as many per home game as them rankles them a tad. Rugby will soon go the way of Cock fighting and bear bating, flat caps and whippets. All hail Gateshead, the saviours of Rugby in Hull.

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