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Date Posted: 20:52:05 04/26/14 Sat
Author: Andy Curran
Subject: Sarah J Reyes

I had hoped that you would of gotten a hold of me by now. I still worry and think about you every day. I have a difficult time accepting the fact that you are not a big part of my life. Sometimes, even after ten years, the stress and anxiety of loosing you sneaks up on me and stops me in my tracks. It takes a really really really big effort to overcome that and get myself going again. I love you still and hope you get a hold of me soon...meanwhile back at the ranch...I had to move out of the Misty Garden address a week or two ago. I'm between places right now, for a minute at least. Its been just like the old days for the last week or two. Bouncing between hotel rooms trying to keep up with the laundry. Only difference this time is I'm going it alone. No partner in crime. Sometimes the sights and smells bring back a flood of emotion...I reminess on the good times, it always makes me happy. I hope you are OK and often think about how great it would be to see you again. That would erase the bad from the last ten years. When you read this please believe that I'm speaking from the heart. I have never said a bad word about you or had any doubt in my heart that you are the most beautiful person and best friend I have ever had. Your absence has left a void that has never been filled. Please contact me...it will make all the difference in my life...

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