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The bay femme walked in silently. Her ebonite tail followed her like spilled ink. She eyed the terra with dark orbs that shimmered. AS she continued on, her muscles bunched under a sleek coat, every line filled with grace. She sighed as she looked out across the beautiful tera. Maybe she could make her home here. | |
.Honor Bright. .label. .Honor. .genre. .Vixen. .stained. .Bay. .marks. .White star and black points. .winters. .4. .class. .Arab. .heart. .Pure. .domicile. .Roams. .importance. .None. | |
.façade. .Bay with a small white star. Black points and a black mane and tail. .traits. .Kind and good natured. She posses a bit of a wicked side however. She is very loyal and hardworking, she is not afraid to do her share of the work. Not afraid of a challenge or a fight, very brave. Loves to run and is quite fast. .brood. .None. .b’ loved. .None. .allies. .None. .loathed. .None. |