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Date Posted: 09:42:01 01/03/04 Sat
Author: Wings of Papillon
Subject: ::My love, my heart, my soul!::
In reply to: Apocalypse Now 's message, "ashes to ashes" on 21:44:45 01/02/04 Fri

Painted mare trotted lazily about, ebon hooves dragging along sluggishly, vivid blue eyes dull.. Looking about, she sighs in utter tiredness, unable to mantain herself much longer. Wounded heart dragged her down farther each day, head slumped, pelt emaciated, as all love, all soul drifted farther and farther away from her with the dissapearance of her love.

But now, cruel fate, could her eyes be lying. Catching sight of a piebald steed in the distance, tired head is raised, eyes sparkling with hope. Perhaps, oh cliche, it was a mirage. But she did not know. Heart rose inside her, chest puffing in utmost hope... Suddenly, she felt the wind bring her faster, faster, towards her love, sea whipped mane waving in the salty breeze... Swift pistons carry her thin form, farther and farther towards her prized hope. Quickly encroaching, razor hooves dig sharply into the sand, stopping her from slamming her form unto his as she suddenly arrives, muzzle running over his. Oh kind fate! He was true, he was alive.. The missing spark seems to be replaced in her deep saphire eyes as they gleam with tears of joy and renewal. Edges of her muzzle curl unto a sweet forgotton smile.. Without a word, she kindly nuzzles him, form pressed against his, in her moment of most perfect bliss....

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