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~Never mess with hell~ -- Wanted, 07:15:35 04/12/02 Fri
*Smirks* "Your mother taught you well... didn't she?" *Watches her with black eyes before turning to the other foals stomping his hoof dangerously throwing his head he rears. Powerful forelegs slice at the air before he lands.* "Lets hope your mother is as good at teaching your father as she was with you…" *smirks* "For she knows better then that… Your mother was very bad. She broke the rules… And I’m being very lenient with her…" *looks to Evermore.* "Dear evermore, your sister is right you really do need to lighten up… there nothing to fear but fear it self…… and maybe hell… maybe you do have more to fear," *snorts at Myst* "Life’s Little Mysteries you will grow to a wonderful warrior one day won’t you?… You remind me so much of your mother at your age." *paws the earth* "My little warrior don’t let me down… watch and learn from your mother, learn never to make her mistakes." *sighs then snorts*
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~Snort~ -- Myst &Evermore, 14:36:11 04/12/02 Fri
*filly snorts but doesn’t rise she nods softly but not knowing how to address him she stays silent and down in the bow her sign glows brightly yet no pain is emitted. She wiggles uncomfortable mussels strained from staying down so long she waits*
*Evermore backs up as he says her name she snorts not trusting the stallion her little ears pin back but she was quiet and hasn’t learn to speak yet so she just remains quiet besides the soft snorts aimed at Wanted*
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