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Date Posted: 03:47:06 05/14/02 Tue
Author: Wasted Flames
Subject: I gallop in, tears spilling from my face, my heart stolen away like I promised it wouldn't

I cry into the green grass and tell myself with sobs, She's not real anymore, why do I think that she lives still? She can't be related to my old mate my dead, burned mate, Reine du manteau d'or No, but I love her and I will always I can't fall in love, no, I havn't got a heart, Reine du manteau d'or betrayed me and I can't love, I can't risk my heart for love again, not after that night..................... I blink and recall it in my head and heart, Wasted, of corse I love you, I need to go for a wile to go see somwthing, ok I'll be back soon Wasted Sure Reine, don't be late for the spring drink I shake my head as I see her in my heart walking out quickly and then as I secretly follow, She had always been gone I wanted to follow You made my fair Reine du manteau d'or, I thought he would keep you,Hush Silver, don't speak of him, why wouldn't I lie to him? I know where the family spring is, why wouldn't I come to you, I can say that I've been there, but I'll take you there, if thats what you want, and you can chase me in the water and then we can bath together and then climb.... My dear Manteau, don't speak it, just lets make it, lets child together, and if your parents get mad Wasted is the blame, and I can run with you, because I love you and you just need the spaces of him, because he is a dweeb, I cry out and speak to myself in a fluent languegue I watch them go and I go to the spring,the place where I showed her, whe I told her that I wanted to be her mate and she accepted I find them at the spring before me, in the water, he's ontop of her, and she smiling, let him stay there, the tears spill as I rear and whinny and gallop over. Ahse then puts on the act I always fall for. Silver, get off, I see her bucking, I know it's only gental but I fall for it as I stomp and snart I watch him lurk into the shadows. I then gallop over to her and rub my head against hers as I say are you alright? I'm sorry I wasn't here before. I thought I eard you talking with that idiot Wasted, I think I hear mom calling, gotta go She pulls away and snorts, I now know that it's annoyance with me, but then, it was I shake my head as mind and heart brings me back in Silver, e can;t go there, he knows, hes onto us Sweetie,Now's the time Reine du manteau d'or, I thought you loved me like I love you, why do you fool me, my heart is presious like you are, thats why I didn't want anything to happen to yuou, thats why I followed you here, I love you so much and you don't, I can't understand, why don't you love me? I love you and We've been together for 2 years... thats because she needs the places with me so she can give brth to our foal, I have her with me, ubrat I HATE U WASTED! you think I need looking after, but I do love attention, I know that and you give that to me but silver gives me more than anyother stallion.... thats why I ............... I scream as it pushes me in, her last words before he ....... I rear and gallop at full speed towards a tree, I shut my eyes and yell out as I hit the tree I STILL LOVE YOU REINE DU MANTEAU D'OR EVEN IF I DID KILL YOU IN MY RAGE AT YOU! I LOVE YOU The my vice is cut off as I hit the tree and fall down and start to bleed to death...........

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[> I gallop over and lay next him as I whisper -- Shining Palomino, 23:28:37 05/14/02 Tue

Wasted, speak to me okay? cmon, get up now, I don't want you to die, please, you know my sis, ad I heard you yell out my mothers name to, how do you know her? I then gasp and say in a quite voice dad? I freeze for moment, waiting for the reply

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[> [> I then scamper up and rear, -- WF, 23:32:06 05/14/02 Tue

YOU ARE THE DAUGHTER OF MY MATE! BUT I AM NOT YOUR FATHER! SILVER DEVIL IS YOUR FATHER, how dare you confront me, after what happened, so you where born before I killed your mother? Thats why he said For our next child get away now! I don't love you mother anymore, JUST GO AWAY! I gasp and rear, then crash back into he tree as more blood pours

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[> [> wait! I cry as I get up and canter over to him again -- Phillie, 02:41:37 05/29/02 Wed

> Wasted Flames, listin! please. I had no idea, please, i just want 2 know about my father please, don't kill yourself, it's not worth it please don't! I start to cry over him. He's like a my half father, I don't want him to go, I want to know more aout my mother, and if he knows anything about my sister, because I loved her......... and I loved my mother

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[> [> [> I rear as I skip up from the ground. blood from my head still dribbles. -- W.F, 01:03:34 05/30/02 Thu

I rear again and snort as I say harshly to the fily If you want to know about your father go ask him yourself. I hate Silver Devil and I want no-one in blood of anyother way to talk to me understand?? I rear again and gallop towards Wildfire Pass

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