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Black Tundra's private lair
-~- Eclipse Cavern -~-
You walk down a large tunnel. Dark except for a torch every twenty feet. As you continue on, you see a light at the end of the tunnel. It is not very bright, but still you make your way to it. When you get there, you look around to see a brightly lit cave, with tunnels to all sides. In the middle is a large bonfire, burning well. A dragoness sits on a ledge, about ten feet up from the floor of the cave. She speaks."I am Black Tundra. This is my lair, Eclipse Cavern."
You need to have been invited here by her, or you must leave...now or i will...helpyou out.
Black Tundra
Back to Jagged Peaks

Subject Author Date
*|Uninvited Entry|*Bairavee20:30:50 08/15/02 Thu
ºAn equine filly wanders inºMiyuki11:48:01 05/11/02 Sat
MiyukiShadow18:04:40 05/24/02 Fri
Sunglasses? Anyone?Woc Man23:32:08 01/02/02 Wed
"Grr, to anyone who's listening. I'm leaving for Diablo Isle, I'm NOT abandoning you all!"Arkanis20:49:11 12/11/01 Tue
¶Looks around sadly¶ "BT? Where are you?" (NT)Arkanis21:13:18 11/20/01 Tue
æ He swoops in and smiles at his family, happy to be back. æ (NT)Arkanis06:44:25 10/28/01 Sun
*she flies in, divebombing everything she can see with frog guts*Magma15:33:08 11/01/01 Thu
*Glides in, waiting for his family* (NT)Arkanis13:05:26 10/13/01 Sat
~She looks up from her nap, having heard everything.~>>>Aurora08:13:40 10/08/01 Mon
*looks around, seeing that nobody's home*Magma's Flame15:49:28 10/04/01 Thu
~She walks around the lair, trying to think of what to do now...~Aurora10:48:04 10/01/01 Mon
*Enters, scales shimmering of a dusty emerald. His gold flecked, ruby eyes search for Black Tundra* (NT)Arkanis12:33:51 09/23/01 Sun
~She rushes out of the cave, her eyes welling up with tears~>>>Aurora17:31:41 09/23/01 Sun
MAMA!!!! I'm hungry... (NT)Magma's Flame07:24:12 09/21/01 Fri
Where awe you? It's me, Auwowa. ~She's antiminated by her surroundings, but she's determined.~ (NT)Aurora14:08:22 09/16/01 Sun
Mumma, Sese is not vewy nice to wittle hatchwings.>>>Aurora14:49:57 09/18/01 Tue
*flies in on H'rissree's back* Hi! I will bring my horses shortly. i have three foals (NT)Kwan Yin14:22:58 09/09/01 Sun
<<>>random person10:00:44 09/09/01 Sun
get out human! (NT)Black Tundra13:23:29 09/09/01 Sun

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