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Date Posted: 14:44:46 08/06/02 Tue
Author: Sola
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Subject: Re: jack howell------heretic and minister of darkness
In reply to: SAK-47 's message, "jack howell------heretic and minister of darkness" on 13:09:12 08/06/02 Tue

Just like WOG in collusion with the minister of Satan, jack deleted ALL files and archives that would incriminate jack in his phony bids for attention, with his threatened law suits of “slander”….bal, bla, bla!

Demon jack will be in for a REAL rude awakening when 5th Avenue-type attorneys demand in the very first round of DISCOVERY copies of ALL archives where jack called us ”nazis, pedophiles, menstruating bitches, white supremacists …..on and on” Before the judge laughs and throws his FAT UGLY worthless REPROBATE, UNREGENERATE, bee-hind out of court for frivolous cases……I will make sure I collect my $500.00 per hour attorney’s fees for EACH and EVERY one of my council’s staff. Don’t screw with me jack. It will cost you a minimum of $20,000 JUST TO BELLY-UP YOUR FAT FACE UP TO DEE BAR! Then is it isn't THROWN OUT ON FIRST PASS, the time clock will BEGIN at $20,000! Count on it Jackass! Don’t screw with me! I play for KEEPS and have the assets to do so! You are out gunned a thousand to one, and you don’t have a case whiner fat boy!! Can't take the heat and exposure of your demons? Hmmmmm?

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