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Date Posted: 17:09:04 08/06/02 Tue
Author: Sola
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Subject: Re: Hi Rev Jack FAT BOI Wit a BIG Mouth & Shallow Pockets
In reply to: Rev. Jack Howell 's message, "Re: Hi Rev Jack" on 16:34:48 08/06/02 Tue

Your "father" is SATAN!!!!! No one libeled you. You have NOTHING TO LIBEL! "When they decided to libel and slander me,"

You have NO SUIT! You Obviously are playing to an ignorant and unsophisticated group of followers/friends.

You clearly have never retained a sophisticated legal advisor! You are a SMOKE BLOWER.

My council states that you have No case. Drop the BS! SMOKE BLOWER. Don't make your SMOKE cost you, cause I have about reached my saturation point with your empty threats. You are howling at your demons from your previous lack of discernment. Back off before I hit YOUR pocket book!

Point of LAW:

You may not call others


menstruating bitches on their periods

members of NAMBLA

white supremicists"
and on...and on....and on....

and expect sympathy from any judge in the fruited plain. He will throw your fat UGLY bee-hind out of any court.

Fair warning screw-loose,......you mess with me fat demon boy and I will bring a wrath on your sorry fanny like you have not known including FIRST OFF....your partner in crime and co-dependent WOGGIE into the suit with you.

I will show that the only way YOU and woggie can make it in life is slandering others, and targeting the rich with deep pockets to falsely accuse and attack them for their MONEY.

Since you don't have a pot to urinate in (we've checked!!!) I will do it for the love of it and my disgust for vermin like you and woggians, and the harm you do to JESUS and the sincere lovers of truth!!!!

I can afford to fly SAK to be witnesses for me anywhere in this land, along with your MANY other enemies you have collected across the country on the briefest of internet searches. You are hated because you are not of G-D! You are a self appointed reverend, self ordained "bishop" and you make more enemies than friends, car jack.

Warning: Cut the fromage Jackals. You are no longer amusing.

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