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Date Posted: 12:24:22 09/17/01 Mon
Author: Barb - Atlanta
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Let the US pray and think before we act - There's been enough innocence lost

As we pray for family, friends and loved ones who might have been on the planes, in the World Trade Center buildings and on the ground; let us please be careful of what we say and put out in the universe. It is truly a tragic event and we are all sadden by what has taken place; but, please be mindful of the negative energy which we transmit out. Yes, we all have emotions and feelings and want someone to pay but, can we truly say, we want the negative thoughts to come back on us. What can we do collectively as a nation? We all say we want peace, love and harmony but what about the negative thinking and speech we us against our "enemies and foes?" We must learn to forgive and emit love and peace. But, it must begin with each one of us individually.

In our church class on yesterday, we discussed how we felt but realize, we do not wish for a war, nor do we want to target a nation because of some issues our nation has imposed and dictated. We must collectively pray, that our nation will think before they act; listen before they speak; pray before they plan and do. Our nation has not always been right, fair nor just on the actions/deeds it has done against other countries, as well as citizens at home.

Please, release the anger and bitterness and let love truly glow within you. Thanks.

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