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Date Posted: 13:37:17 02/06/02 Wed
Author: Dana
Author Host/IP: /
Subject: Re: A Thank You for your Kind words
In reply to: Cindy O 's message, "A Thank You for your Kind words" on 17:15:48 09/14/01 Fri

Hey Cindy,

I just wanted to let you know that your son really is great. Before he even made this web site I could tell he was a wonderful person. There were nights when I would talk to him on yahoo chat abut nothing but yet he would make me smile. There were day's when I was sick and he'd make the symbol of a rose and send it to me. Then when I saw his dedication to our country my breath was taken away. All I have to say is that you raised a wonderful son.
What is he up to these days? I haven't heard from him since september 14th. well if you have time please e -mail me at May God Be With all of you


My son did these pages after many hours of work. He
>wanted a place where all of us can heal. I am so
>proud of this young man. He has done many things that
>he has never asked for credit for. He goes on blood
>drives at least 4 times a year. He watches and adores
>kids. I have seen him when he was but a child himself
>give up his easter candy to a little girl who didn't
>find an egg in the easter egg hunt. There was a time
>that he was troubled and in trouble but we withstood
>that. Today if you ask him what his favorite song is
>he will tell you Don't Laugh At Me by Mark Wills. As
>he says we are in god's eyes we are all the same
>someday we wil all have perfect wings. I think that
>he is right.

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