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Date Posted: 14:51:40 11/19/01 Mon
Author: Blue
Subject: Re: A thought ... (and yes, those are Lullaby feed spoilers above)
In reply to: KhaliG 's message, "Re: A thought ... (and yes, those are Lullaby feed spoilers above)" on 14:11:15 11/19/01 Mon

>Yeah, I agree. You know, what if they bring darla
>back, but it's not darla. What if there was a human
>woman who looks like darla, but has the memories of a
>modern 21st century woman, and when she comes across
>Angel, it is found out that she has a past life and
>that was Darla's life. Darla's death in Lullaby
>triggers the past-life memories so that this
>darla-look-alike has the memories, but the better
>coping skills of the original darla. Do I even make
>sense? I do believe what I just proposed is just
>sappy, so I'll just send that to fanfic.

That's it! You are my hero! That is a brillant idea. I mean that way we get Darla without going the cheesy route of bringing old Darla back to life. Julie can literally play someone with a different name and outlook on life. So cool!

I can see Angel now just walking on the Promenade holding the baby. He looks over to his left to see Not!Darla!

This time she doesn't look sinister and evil, just carefree and of course she thinks Angel's a mad man for calling her Darla.

It'll be reminiscient of "Dear Boy" in the sense that this time Darla truly is someone else. She wouldn't be faking it this time.

But yeah, I guess that's too fanficy, yet alas I *love* that idea.

>Even the demon said that Darla/Angel/Holtz are
>interconnected. So, again, it's great that we see
>Darla sacrificing herself and I'm not going to look
>that gift horse in the mouth, but it just feels weird
>and off that she would die after three eps. I'll have
>to view the ep in order to make a firm decision.

Yeah, same here.

>>Oh, too many thoughts. Must stop! LOL.
>You can never have too many thoughts. I love hearing
>them and exchanging ideas.

Cool! Same here. *Blue gives Khali a high five!*

>>I guess so, but not for too long anyway. =)
>Good. No need to torture yourself over a fictional

Most definitely. :)

I'm really happy we're going to chat
>tonight. By the way, I checked the Simply darla and
>Angel update page and I don't see a chat button.

Look over the left hand column. You'll see a menu bar. In that bar there's the word "Chat." That should be it. Let me know if you have any more problems.


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