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Date Posted: 14:02:34 11/20/01 Tue
Author: Blue
Subject: Re: I want Darla back - Idea?
In reply to: Mari 's message, "Re: I want Darla back - Idea?" on 13:37:40 11/20/01 Tue

>** Agree that was the only way to deliver him but I am
>talking about saving ta baby later in the season, like
>when he is 6 months old. Maybe Darla is needed for

Oh yeah, that is definitely an option/possibility. :) I can see that.

>** I don't like the idea of Darla losing memory of
>Angel-Angelus and her child. Then that would not be
>Darla, and I want Darla the character I love. What
>I've always wanted is to bring her back as a vampire
>with a soul.

Well, techincally, I doubt they'll go the vamp with a soul route simply because there can only be one and that will always be Angel. The show is called ANGEL and can not be named DARLA.

For me if Darla comes back, I want it to be as someone that she could never be in her previous lives of pain: a human because she deserves it.

>** I am dreaming maybe but this death could be a part
>of a bigger Darla arc, they needed her to die but
>later she will return alive of course.

Yeah, I agree and plus this prophecy was part of a huge scroll. Only a part of it was interpreted and available. Darla could have been fated to die but does that mean permanently? Again, though, I don't want to get my hopes up! :)

>** Agree, agree! If she had to die that was one of
>the best ways. But as you said why not use Darla in
>the Holtz storyline? It's really weird and I hate Tim
>M. for that.

Oh, please don't say you hate Tim. I know that you are upset but ... well ... it'll be okay. My God, I'm sounding like Darla now. Let's just concentrate on the petition and other things.

>Did you notriced that he knewe she was gonignto die
>since before the third season started. Just re-read
>the e-mail he sent to Dieta and he only talked about
>"A&D history....at least"

Yeah, but that comment could mean anything really. Don't cha' think? :)

>** And an amazing history together and a great
>friendship betweeen the actors because we know Julie
>and David got along nicely and he has a connection
>with her that is unique. Which other couple has that?
> I am happy now!

Exactly, and I'm glad!


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