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Date Posted: 22:17:42 11/22/01 Thu
Author: ~*Delenn*~
Subject: O DEAR GODS, I MISSED IT! *almost in tears*

SPOILERS FOR QUICKENING (I think thats the one anyway... the newest one!)!!!


I can't believe it! *is practically histerical* I stayed at my mom's! MY MOM'S (who I fight with almost all the time) instead of going home with my daddy and watching Angel!! (my mom doesn't get the channel!)

TO make matters worse, istead of catching it on Tuesday like I usually do I had to come down here, and then, instead of going home today (thursday) or yeasterday with my dad, I chose to STAY!!

It would be ok if we got along, ya know?
No biggie, I figured, not only will I make my daddy tape it, and watch it. MY friend and my dad's girlfriend (my friends mom) will watch it, FOR SURE! And I can get detailed reports!

But NO. My dad somehow, isn't sure if he taped it! (amazing, he's usually so good with electronics.) My friend Erika and her mom (my dad's girlfriend) MISSED IT!

And on some FLUKE cruel fluke, my dad is the only person I know who caught the episode!

So being the perfectest daddy ever, my dad (who did I mention does not like the show Angel?) watched the entire hour for me, and gave me an almost accurite review! (while though my reivews take 2 hours his took 15 minutes *sighs*)

Which I love him for admittedly...... BUT OH MY GOD, darla, stake, baby, angel, holtz, AHHHHHHHH! I can't believe this! I can't believe I missed this!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*is now, admittedly, hysterical*


Ok, ok, sorry! *breathing in and out almost regularly* but is it true, and oh, tell me Darla's coming back! SHE HAS TO! and angel got his baby boy, all safe and sound, so sweet!

My dad said it was almost emotional for him, and he not only isn't a fan of the show, but he rates things up with ten hour top 10 movies ever! By Kawisoka or somebody, (yeah I know my dads weird) and my dad said this actually was a GREAT EPISODE!

Complete with flashbacks to evil times! *sniffles unhappily* Did I mention, I can't BELIVE I missed this!

Ok, other then general moaning, the point of this post.... Please tell me someone has pictures or summaries or SOMETHING!?!?

I did hear something about a D/A soundproof bunker? *heads to the bunker and screams her head off*

I feel slightly better. :(


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