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Date Posted: 20:59:42 12/03/01 Mon
Author: Blue
Subject: "Dad" promo description

Courtesy of Jeff Mejia. Please don't copy and paste elsewhere.

Promo breakdown for "Dad":

Narrator: Next Monday...the birth of Angel's son has changed everything.

We open on scenes from "Lullaby", where Angel and Fred are leaning over the baby in the alley in the rain. The shot is one from high up, looking down on the alley. Holtz is not visible in the shot.

Fade to a shot of Angel holding the baby, as Fred looks on and offers support.

Cut to a close up of the new Cutest Baby In the World.

Fade to a shot of 3 maroon-robed figures, walking past some vegetation. This is a night shot.

Cut to a close up of Cordelia, with Fred in the background. This appears to be indoors, and may be at the Hyperion.

Cordelia: "This isn't over, is it."

Cut to a shot at the Hyperion, with Angel in the foreground, holding the baby, while Gunn stands in the background, looking on.

Fade to a shot of a maroon-robed demonoid, along with a black-clad human, walking through a door into the Hyperion. A second robed figure appears after these two walk through the door.

Cut to a reverse shot of the lobby, as the MoG react. Gunn is sitting on the couch-thingy, loading a crossbow. Wesley is standing next to him on his right, holding a flame-thrower in his hands. Cordelia can be seen behind the couch-thingy, with Fred standing next to her. Furthest back, standing close to Cordelia and Fred, is Lorne. He may or may not be holding a weapon of some kind in his hands. Wesley and Gunn get up and surge forward to meet the attack.

Cut to a shot of Wesley unleashing the flame-thrower. Fred is behind and to his left, aiming a crossbow at something.

Narrator: This hero has a new mission.

Cut ot a shot of Angel running through the sewer tunnels, holding the baby.

Cut to a shot of the Angelmobile, with the top up, crashing through a wooden gate.

Cut ot a linger shot of the car crashing through the gate. The lights of two other cars can be seen in the near distance.

Fade to a shot of Angel rapelling down a shaft of some kind.

Cut to a shot of Angel, carrying the baby, in front of a wooden fence. Angel is looking to his left and right, as though trying to find a way out without being successful. Angel then turns around towards the camera, as though something is coming from behind.

Fade to black, then fade in on Angel, holding the baby, as he stands in the Hyperion lobby. The open weapons cabinet is visible to his right.

Angel: "No one is gonna put their hands on this child."

Narrator: An all new Angel, next Monday on the WB.

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