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Date Posted: 23:36:22 12/11/01 Tue
Author: Blue
Subject: Hey buddy. :)
In reply to: Ngser 's message, "Re: Julie Benz from the Starfury Convention" on 22:17:20 12/11/01 Tue

>Thanks Blue. Sorry to hear you are not watching Angel.

Thank you but it's okay really. :) It's been a looong battle of frustration and everything else since most of the second half of season 2 of which I all credit to Joss Whedon,.

Before this episode I at least cared about this show a little.

Now, I just don't give a damn. Sad, but true. I honestly can say I don't care what happens to this show anymore. Glad JB was excused before the shark jumped, but then again this is all my opinion. LOL.

>I think that was just a filler episode, nothing
>important or special happens in those episodes until

Episode 10 last year was a highlight esp. after "The Trial." This episode was after "Lullaby" another strong and emotional episode and well ... "Dad" was just lacking for me. I think I have to call it the worst ANGEL episode ever and frankly for me it was that last straw that broke the camel's back. If Darla shows up again in flashbacks or a miracle happens I'll watch again, but I don't think Joss Whedon has any desire to get this series back on track to its original premise.

I have heard DB runs around naked before. I
>hear he likes to moon people. I bet Charisma, August
>and Alexis have all seen him in all his glory. I have
>betting that Amy acker is still getting used to it.

Yeah, I've heard about that as well. Man, I'm not sure I want to see all of that though, you know? I'd be wigged out as much as Julie was. I'd have to run away. LOL. :)


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