Date Posted:12:51:34 01/15/02 Tue Author: Bullocks Subject: Re: Is it just me... or...................... In reply to:
's message, "Is it just me... or......................" on 19:45:47 01/13/02 Sun
Yes. It's kinda dead, you weren't the only one who noticed. All of the vampire family based posting boards around the net seem a little abandoned. The S/D board is similarly void of posts and activity of late, because of the B/S going on. (I'm not a Spike Buffy shipper, so don't shoot me!) After Darla died I think everyone pretty much calmed down. I still enjoy reading and discussing ships though, and I just printed out some of your fiction. I'll post my thoughts as soon as I can manage. It looks really good from what I saw. Keep posting!