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Date Posted: 12:15:10 02/10/02 Sun
Author: ~Del~
Subject: Re: OOOh, ooh, over here!! *raises hand and bounces*
In reply to: ~Del~ 's message, "OOOh, ooh, over here!! *raises hand and bounces*" on 11:49:59 02/10/02 Sun

I forgot to add, that obviously something would have to be done about Darla's death...... *sighs* oh god, I miss her.

On another note, I was having a lengthy discussion with the same friend, Iva, about the baby, and one thing that came to us (we still pray every night that Darla comes back, and hold onto the hope that she HAS to come back, for Conner.)

It would have been soooooo easy for this baby to have been Angel and Cordy's, even Angel and Buffy's would have been easier..... But Conner was Angel and Darla's, which in itself represents a LOT.... But think, what this child could bennifit from if Darla were there to raise him,

Obviously (ok, well, in MY opinion) Darla was supposed to be there to help raise him, and both her and Angel SHOULD be raising Conner now.... I mean Cordy's all lovey and all with the kid, but Darla and Angel could have done wonderful things for him...... Even if they were only just barely getting along, ya know?

I mean Angel had such problems with being a vampire and all, and everything that could be useful to him is to painful for him to consider teaching..... But Darla was a vampire for 400 YEARS! She doesn't have such pain about being one... *sniffles* see, I'm talking like she's not already dead!!

Anyway, the point of this ramble, was that I miss Darla! And I needed to rable about why she HASSSSSSSS to come back! Hasta hasta hasta!!


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