Rodger Tutt (
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Date Posted: 09:51:02 11/14/07 Wed
In reply to:
Rodger Tutt
's message, "Why I believe the Bible teaches universal salvation" on 09:49:56 11/14/07 Wed
Ray Prinzing is my hero. His writings can be Googled up and read online. Just type in Ray Prinzing.
During my twelve year nervous breakdown caused by my inability to emotionally cope with the idea that God lets any creature suffer forever in hell, every morning, as I washed my family’s dishes, I would listen to one of Ray Prinzing’s many tapes.
I have listened to 178 of them several times, and 23 of them many times
In addition to these tapes, I always read every issue of his periodical GOSPEL ECHOES which he later renamed LETTERS OF TRUTH and gleaned many pages of his writings into my personal journal.
Many people have a hero, someone in their life that made a contribution to their welfare so significant that it is far above the influence that anyone else has had.
Ray Prinzing is that hero to me.
For several years my 95 year old dad called me from his nursing home each evening. Each time he called I read a portion of my over four thousand page journal to him, and many of these readings are the gleanings that I wrote from Ray Prinzing’s writings and tapes. Many nights my dad fell asleep listening to one of Ray’s tapes.
As I listened to Ray’s tapes during my nervous breakdown (1966-78) I gradually became more and more sure that I was going to recover. The contents of his tapes gave me the courage, in 1978, to take a public stand that I believe that the Bible teaches universal transformation, not endless suffering in hell, or even annihilation. (I’m 69)
My panic attacks completely stopped.
And now I spend most of my time offering people, in various ways, the information that helped me recover and helps me stayed recovered.
The current issues and many back issues of UNSEARCHABLE RICHES magazine (started in 1909) from the CONCORDANT PUBLISHING CONCERN, and the GRACE AND TRUTH magazine from England have both been a great help to me.
In addition to Ray Prinzing’s tapes and writings there is one particular book and one particular set of tapes that have been very influential in my life.
The book is A.E. Knoch’s ALL IN ALL. In spite of the claim that there are contradictions in it, and in spite of “cult-buster” Don Huey’s other attempts to discredit it, (arguments to which Dean Hough of THE SAVIOUR OF ALL FELLOWSHIP has responded), ALL IN ALL remains, in my opinion, one of the best of all the many books in support of the Bible teaching universal transformation. Even if the criticisms were true, they would not detract from the fact that this book irrefutably proves that the Bible teaches universal salvation, not eternal torment, or even annihilation.
The tapes are a set of eight 90 minute cassettes called HUMAN CHOICE AND THE DEITY OF GOD by James Coram. I have listened to this set of tapes several dozens of times and consider my knowledge of their content to be priceless.
Both ALL IN ALL and the HUMAN CHOICE tapes can be obtained online at
Ray Prinzing has now passed on, but his influence is so wide spread that he will not be forgotten on this earth for many, many years, if ever. And that is a very good thing!
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