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Date Posted: 20:07:07 03/13/02 Wed
Author: FOE & Fire ‘N’ Ice
Subject: *the two trot in* (two different players just joining together)

*A sound close to thunder is heard then a streak is seen as a powerful stallion gallops in/ powerful mussels work gracefully under a dark brown and white skewbald pelt. Sliding to a stop causing the dust to fly ubiquitously from the parched earth. He just flicks his tail using it like a car would use a windshield wiper with rain. He snorts rearing up on sturdy hind legs, strong forelegs slice the air letting out a call of dominance he lands looking behind him for the petty mare*

*Behind him a small mare canters in, a lot smaller not only in size but mussel too. She rears mussels working gracefully under her piebald pelt. Not to strong forelegs slice the air as she rears before snorting landing she smiles at her mate nuzzling him softly. Though they have only been mate less then a month it felt so right. She loved him and he loved her*

*Smiles at her nuzzling her slightly before his ears perk he followed his senses here they better not disappoint him. She should be here the one he been in search for under a month but felt like an eternity. his only true love, his heart, soul and senses she was here so now to find her.*

“Fire, why don’t we meet over there?” *points to the water whole.* “I have some things I need to get done”

“Like what?”

“Things I would like to explore the area”

“Why can’t I come?”

“I would feel better knowing you were safe and I don’t know the area so let me explore it before I drag you into danger” *he smiles down at her lying easily.*

*Smiles trusting him* “sure, but hurry up I’ll miss you”
*Trots off the water whole while her mate trots off to explore*

Name Flames of eternity,

Nickname: Eternity, FOE,

Age: 6 yrs,

Gender stallion,

Color: dark brown and white skewbald

Size: 16.4hh

Side: Dark

Breed: Brumby and Arabian

Markings: A scare over his heart in a zigzag pattern. Long tail that goes down to the floor. Long forelock but not to long. Dark brown eyes look black.

Past: long and complicated maybe over time revealed.

Personality: he is cold and mean but toward the few that gain his trust he is protective and will fight to the death for them. He loves to fight and often will fight with his loved ones just to train. He has a short temper and might take things out on his loved ones.

Extra: He is mate’s with Fire ‘N’ Ice, he never told her about his past mate that he tried to kill less then a month ago. He knows that his current mate “loves” him but he doesn’t love her back. He loves his EX. He is using her as a way to escape the pain, and to save him self from self-pity. Inside he knows there is only one for him, and he is here to apologize to his one and only.


Name Fire 'N' Ice,

Nickname: Fire. 'N'. Ice. Fire ice. FI. FN. NI. FNI.

Age: 4 yrs,

Gender mare,

Color: piebald

Size: 14hh (as of now will grow to about 15-15.4HH)

Side: Dark
Breed: Brumby and Arabian

Markings: long tail and forelock. Black eyes that change with her mood lean the colors as you go along.

Past: Not sure yet.

Personality: Cold and mean but sort of quiet. Often doesn’t talk to others unless spoken to. She enjoys a good fight but doesn’t go looking for one. She gets into a lot of trouble accidentally often wondering into things or saying the wrong thing. She is extremely loyal and is easily hurt.

Extra: She is mate’s, with Flames of Eternity, She has no idea about her mate’s past. She fell for him hard and loves him and thinks he loves her back. She doesn’t know about him loving another and trying to kill her she also doesn’t know she is being used. They are here for her mate’s ex is here but she has no clue she thinks that it was just a place to stop.


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[> FOE's fixed pic -- Fire 'N' Ice's player, 20:14:22 03/13/02 Wed

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