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Date Posted: 01:02:26 08/13/02 Tue
Author: El Bailarín Español
Subject: ~Danza Por Mi Lado~

~The addiction has begun~

Are you addicted to something? I am addicted to Spanish Dancing, The Flamenco durning the day? Or Sall we dance the Tango in the evening? I personaly dance The Flamenco at night, nails hook 'pon the stars, tress and whisks flow behind, pick up by the wild wind. Then strong and flowing during the day, sun bealting down, or maybe even hail. This Addiction has only just arrived here, but it'll blow ya mind

Femora of a wild addiction makes her entree. Roan coat dapple by the sunlight. Her entree has been like no others. Wild and free, a dance of a spainsh dancer is beformed, wild triwling, tresses and whisk, flows and tangles 'pon hide and curtave. Orics alight as wild dance slowed down, but soon rock steady but smooth, the Tango, strong but smooth, has a single wild side for a perfect mate be no steed ventured there. Her dances all her own, from the wild twirling and straight hard smooth moves. soon no dancing is danced but auds pricked forward. Her beloved languege muged by some? Rearing in a steady way, te tango soon continues. Sidestepping away 'pon the newbies, femora makes her exit......................

El Bailarín Español
Spanish Mustang
Wild and Crazy but als rock steady
The addiction begun at birth, from then it was a downfall to be picked up again. The primates held her captive in a prison cell, drinving me insane with evey day she was there. The brough aout to the open, only to tease the free, addiction spotted straght away in every movement made. The addiction got her stolen. Tack was attached, but firy was enraged, spinning by ropes and dust 'pon the tamed dancers. Surrended to the ground, one leg did not stand. Primates knowning I was A spanish dancer got to my feet, one hind leg not working. A speacil primate takes a look, strapping it tight, soon followed by a young pretty femora. I do not call her primate for she was no beast. Taken out the walk a slight, pain eased. No pressure to run, no way anyway, I waas not tied nor trapped but free in a boundry The freest I had been for a long time. Reared tryed but pain shot through. Auds flicker as my music is strunged. Orics search and see a man sitting 'pon one boundry. The femora caught my eye, her head low, foot streached out. The strumming again, soon replied by a whinny from me. Femora moves swiftly as a flamentco begun, I whinny and oncore but femora bows to me. I snort and leap, hind leg in air all times. My own flamenco takes place, the femora amazed. The speed of a wild wind, and skill of fire. Nails move like water, but strong like earth. The gutiar is fastened, so is my dance, the dance takes place, for what I thought was lost was found, even with a fragile leg. The femora soon joins in, dancing under my curtave, and around my bodice. Together I first joined with a primate, but she was different. Later my imprison ment began again. I cried for the chance to be free, but no ne came. No sleep came to me that night for my day had filled my head, in the morning, she returned, but followed by a familar man. He Shot me Down The orics searched and face relised, my captor had appeared, I hear an argument,I caught her and she will dance here! I will train her for me to ride and she will be great, and I will be rich......So? She is a wild horse, she needs fredom. You dislocated her leg! you owe her! let her be free after the vet says that she is in perfect....So? She is well fed here so she wont No, she has not touched her food! I whinnied, crying for my dancer. Soon the primate that touched my leg was there again. A touch made be flinch, but a guitar solo made me clam. No Tango nor Flamenco, but smooth. That is what I remeber that day. I was captive. A bandage was remove 'pon my leg as I was lead out, now all weight able to rest on it. The guitr was stumed as the Femora returned, I whinnied, rearing, waiting for the beat to begin. Swirling of reds and oranges, other colors too began, Together me and her danced along the day. Soon it was us with our own music. The dancer stopped, reaching out a hand I drew away. even though we had a bond, no primate touched me. She smile and went t'wards the gate. Auds pricked as nails leal me forwards. She swung the gate open, yelling and shouting. I reared, letting out a cry. I galloped out just as my captor came. He yelled and the femora was beaten to the ground. I snorted and turned back. She shall not be hit. I rear, and flashed ivoriwes from a safe distance. The captor was strong as he hitched the bruiesed femora 'pon his shoulder. I whip taken was slashed at me. Rearing, I pulled it out 'pon my ivories. He dropped the girl and went inside. She opened one oric and smiled. I new it was a farewell, and the last. I turned and danced away to the setting sun, and now I be here. Other event happened there but that is it summed up. It was horrible. I was drivin insane untill she came.........

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