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Dark Mountain......
Hadrien's TT

You walk in on a worn rock path, and it is night, now. This place is constantly cold and you can see your breath in the crystal clear, frigid, night air. The path you walk upon leads up and brings you to the top of one of the black peaks. Here, shrub grass grows and a few trees offer protection from the wind. Suddenly, a dirty bay stallion approaches you, eyeing you, his white star shining in the moon light. *I am Hadrien, future leader of the Darks and son of Steele.* A gust of bitterly cold night air blows up against you, chilling you to the bone, but it does not seen to disturb Hadrien. *I hope you stay here with us, but only if you are loyal to the Dark's. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?* he snorts and trots briskly away, leaving you in the dark, relentlessly cold night.

Alpha Male ***** Hadrien
Alpha Female ***** Obsidian Butterfly

Back-up Male ***** Dark Dreams
Back-up Female ***** Hell's Mistake

Omega Male ***** Hell's Nightmare
Omega Female ***** Tyralia

Other Herd Members-



Where Are You?

Latest News-
~Derelict is now remaining under the 'Other Herd Members'position, Awww, Too Bad~*~Obsidian Butterfly is now officially Alpha Female of this herd, Congratulations~

ATTENTION TO EVERYBODY WHO IS STILL HERE: this game is getting back on its feet. It is moving. tripod died. Enough said. I will keep you posted.
Back to the Darks

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